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Can the Flexigrid be used with a SQL Query

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Posted 28 November 2011 - 21:44 PM


This is a great product, I am currently trying it out and wondered if the Flexigrid layout for the table can be implemented for just a results table (no CRUD).

I am not using Grocery CRUD for the results, because its a custom SQL Query, I cannot see how to do that with Grocery, so wondered if the layout table can still be implemented though. I have tried various things like using the same class name, calling flexigrid() in my Jquery file, but cant get it to work.

Do you know how?

Whilst emailing, is it possible to pass a custom SELECT SQL Query to Grocery CRUD? If so then I assume I could get the layout that way?

Thanks a lot

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 10:24 AM


Try this for your first question: $crud->unset_operations();

Unfortunately, I do not have the skill to answer the second question.


Rich Halsey