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Custom rows, multiple images upload

Sebastian Zapato Blanco
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Posted 26 October 2014 - 17:02 PM


first of all, I congratulate the devs because grocerycrud has saved me a lot of time. Great work!
The only thing I don't like is, there is not much transparency while rendering the tables. I haven't thought of a better way of doing it though.


Now I am developing a backend for a client. I have 2 tables: Business (name, email, address, etc.) and Products (name, keywords, pictures)


The first problem is, there is a boolean field (tiny int) in the Business table called "activated", so we can enable/disable a business from the back end. So I can add a custom action with GC to toggle this value. But if I wanted o show a green image when the business is enabled, and a red image when it is disabled, how can I do that?


The second problem is, the products can have multiple images... what would be the simplest way to do that with GC? I can create a custom action, say "update pics" and then create a controller myself. But if I wanted to show a thumb of the images in the GC generated tables, how should I proceed?


Thank you in advance and all the best from Chile