Good morning.
Thanks for making this great library. It has really helped me with my project.
My question, and problem, is this: how to use add/edit/delete and all the other options using where as a variable? Right now I'm doing an attendance list, and for it to work the user must select a group from a dropdown. This is when the problem comes in; the list with the selected group appears but the user can't use any of the options.
Here is the code:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('group', 'Grupo', 'trim|xss_clean'); if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->seleccionar_grupo(); }else{ $grupo = $this->input->get('grupo', TRUE); $this->grocery_crud->where('id_grupo', $grupo); //Here is when I use a variable for get the group_id. $this->grocery_crud->display_as('id_participante', 'Cédula'); $this->grocery_crud->display_as('id_grupo', 'Grupo'); $this->grocery_crud->set_subject('Participante'); $this->grocery_crud->set_relation('id_participante', 'participante', 'numero_identificacion'); $this->grocery_crud->set_table('asistencia'); $this->grocery_crud->edit_fields('clase', 'observaciones'); $this->grocery_crud->unset_delete(); $this->grocery_crud->unset_add(); $this->grocery_crud->unset_export(); $this->grocery_crud->unset_print(); $output = $this->grocery_crud->render(); $this->ver_lista($output);