This is my code:
function getPhoto($primary_key , $row){ $this->db->select('id_report, path_photo'); //$this->db->join('report', ' = id_report'); //$this->db->where('id_report', 'id_report'); $this->db->from('report r, photo p'); $where = "p.id_report = AND id_report=".$row->id.""; $this->db->where($where); $query = $this->db->get()->result_array(); foreach ($query as $row2) { return " ".$row2['id_report']." - ".$row2['path_photo']."<br>"; //echo " ".$row2['id_report']." - ".$row2['path_photo']."<br>"; } function admin(){ $crud->callback_column('POTHOS', array($this,'getPhoto')); .......I need get from my db the path of my photos but a report can have multiple photos, so I use returns and echo:
(For this case I have the id and url for more explicit)
echo: :)
1407157317858 - a.jpeg 1407157317858 - b.jpeg 1407157633213 - .... 1407177857138 - .... 1407178191268 - .... 1407178583480 - .... 1407179216082 - .... 1407180296732 - .... 1407181835925 - pic1.jpeg 1407181835925 - pic2.jpeg 1407182605509 - ..... 1407183065599 - .... 1407183948682 - ....Return: :wacko:
1407157317858 - a.jpeg (Where is the other photo? b.jpeg) 1407157633213 1407177857138 1407178191268 1407178583480 1407179216082 1407180296732 - pic1.jpeg (pic2.jpeg?) 1407181835925 1407182605509 1407183065599 1407183948682Please help me, thank you so much :)