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Help - problem with header and CSS

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Posted 26 June 2014 - 03:31 AM

Hi, I managed to get a GC app working and everything display correctly with the provided our_template view.


I've tried several times to create a header with a navigation menu.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I gather the proper way to do this in the controller is:

    function _example_output($output = null)

Every navigation menu that I have found inevitably uses a CSS file.


The problem is that the CSS file then messes-up the output from our_template.


I've tried several different menus with different CSS files and they alway mess-up the GC output in one way or another.

The last menu/css that I tried was from metroui.

Even if I leave out the header and simply include the metroui CSS file (metro-bootstrap.css) in our_template, I can see it messes up the sizes of the dialogue boxes when adding/editing a record.  There are probably other things that I have not noticed yet.


How can I solve this?

Am I using the right method to add a header?

Is there an HTML statement that says "quit using the previously defined CSS rules" so that the GC output will stop using that CSS from the header?

