Is there a way to make a field readonly in the edit screen only when there is a value already entered, and if blank or "0000-00-00 00:00:00" then the user is able to enter a date? The code below is not working, once I hit Update the "Loading, updating changes..." just runs in a loop and will not execute. I think the callback_before_update is probably not the right way of doing this.
$crud->callback_before_update(array($this,'check_Original_ETA')); function check_Original_ETA($value, $primary_key) { $this -> db -> select('Original_ETA'); $this -> db -> from('dbname'); $this -> db -> where('id = ' . "'" . $primary_key . "'"); $this -> db -> limit(1); $query = $this -> db -> get(); $row = $query->row(); //$query->result(); $str = $row->Original_ETA; if ($str != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $crud->change_field_type('Original_ETA', 'readonly'); } }