I try to find some help to understand why a callback_after_update doesn't work.
The code I wrote in the controller is:
public function mostra_sgestore()
$session_tipo = $this->session->userdata('menuTipo');
$session_nome = $this->session->userdata('nomeutente');
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud->display_as('cod_fisc','Codice fiscale');
$crud->display_as('id_gest_saldo','Gestore saldo');
$crud->callback_after_update(array($this, '_crypt_passwd'));
$output = $crud->render();
$dati = array();
$dati['sitepath'] = 'Scheda';
and the function called from callback is:
function _crypt_passwd($post_array,$primary_key)
$nome_tabella = 'Tab1';
$nome_tabella1 = 'Tab2';
$gest_sql = "SELECT password FROM $nome_tabella WHERE id_gest = \"$primary_key\"";
$cli_sql = "SELECT password FROM $nome_tabella1 WHERE id_cli = \"$primary_key\"";
$risultato = $this->db->query($gest_sql);
if ($risultato->num_rows() === 1)
$riga = $risultato->row();
$passwd = $riga->password;
$sql = "UPDATE $nome_tabella SET password=sha1(\"$passwd\") WHERE id_gest=\"$primary_key\"";
return $this->db->query($sql);
$risultato = $this->db->query($cli_sql);
if ($risultato->num_rows() === 1)
$riga = $risultato->row();
$passwd = $riga->password;
$sql = "UPDATE $nome_tabella1 SET password=sha1(\"$passwd\") WHERE id_cli=\"$primary_key\"";
return $this->db->query($sql);
return FALSE;
It seems that if I edit a row, for example of Tab1, and I update the record after a modification there isn't the call to callback_after_update.I followed the informations of the documentation but something is wrong. If someone can help me it will be appreciated a lot.
Thanks in advance.
SOLVED: I used 'state' to intercept the end of edit. Not so fine but it works.