Hello, I have some troubles with adding records to my table using Grocery CRUD.
When I'm pushing the "Save" button I can see from 2 to 4 POST insert calls. Can this problem be related to the use of custom loader class?
public function projects(){
$grocery_crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$output = $this->grocery_crud->render();
public function _example_output($output = null){
$this->data["data"] = $output;
$this->load->view('crm_inner', $this->data);
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* MY_Loader class extends the core CI_Loader class.
* @author Eric 'Aken' Roberts <eric@cryode.com>
* @link https://github.com/cryode/CodeIgniter_Smarty
* @version 1.0.0
class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader {
* Replace the default $this->load->view() method
* with our own, so we can use Smarty!
* This method works identically to CI's default method,
* in that you should pass parameters to it in the same way.
* @access public
* @param string The template path name.
* @param array An array of data to convert to variables.
* @param bool Set to TRUE to return the loaded template as a string.
* @return mixed If $return is TRUE, returns string. If not, returns void.
public function view($template, $data = array(), $return = false)
// Get the CI super object, load related library.
$CI =& get_instance();
// Add extension to the filename if it's not there.
$ext = '.' . $CI->config->item('smarty_template_ext');
if (substr($template, -strlen($ext)) !== $ext)
$template .= $ext;
// Make sure the file exists first.
if ( ! $CI->smartytpl->templateExists($template))
show_error('Unable to load the template file: ' . $template);
// Assign any variables from the $data array.
// Assign CI instance to be available in templates as $ci
$CI->smartytpl->assignByRef('ci', $CI);
Smarty has two built-in functions to rendering templates: display()
and fetch(). We're going to use only fetch(), since we want to take
the template contents and either return them or add them to
CodeIgniter's output class. This lets us optionally take advantage
of some of CI's built-in output features.
$output = $CI->smartytpl->fetch($template);
// Return the output if the return value is TRUE.
if ($return === true) return $output;
// Otherwise append to output just like a view.