If data row is not deleted, it doesn't show any text message.
How can I display it?
Should I use callback_after_delete?
And check if the data is still exist?
Is there a way to show the error message?
Thank You
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Posted 18 December 2013 - 06:00 AM
If data row is not deleted, it doesn't show any text message.
How can I display it?
Should I use callback_after_delete?
And check if the data is still exist?
Is there a way to show the error message?
Thank You
Posted 14 January 2014 - 17:31 PM
I can do this with:
$crud->set_lang_string('delete_error_message', 'My Own Error Message Here!'); $crud->callback_before_delete(array($this,'cek_before_delete')); function cek_before_delete($primary_key) { $this->db->db_debug = false; // IMPORTANT! (to make temporary disable debug) $this->db->trans_begin(); $this->db->where('id', $primary_key); $this->db->delete('your_table'); $num_rows = $this->db->affected_rows(); $this->db->trans_rollback(); if ($num_rows > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }