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Upgrading from version 1.1.x to 1.2 or later.

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 22:27 PM

Some notes for the upgrading from version 1.1.x to 1.2 .

First of all always make sure that you copy all the files included in the new version and NOT only the library and the model. The assets/grocery_crud and the applications/config/ is a required folder also.

Just make sure that you will rename all the [i]callback_escape_something[/i] for example:

callback_escape_insert , callback_escape_update and callback_escape_delete


callback_insert, callback_update and callback_delete .

A simple find and replace for "callback_escape_" to "callback_" will be OK. I renamed the callback_escape as it confused many people and a simple callback is smaller and easier to understand.

Also another renaming that you have to be careful of it's the grocery_Model to grocery_CRUD_Model if you used the set_model at you project.

Now for what's new in the current version ... I think many people will say.... AT LAST. Why?[list]
[*]AT LAST a better interface for the date and date-time. We get rid of old sql-date and instead we add the uk-date (dd/mm/yyyy) and us-date(mm/dd/yyyy).
[*]AT LAST a new uploader. It works fine with ALL the modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) and now also works well with IE8 and IE9 ( I am sorry IE 9 but you are not a modern browser - http://people.mozill...m/~prouget/ie9/ ).
[*]AT LAST upload callbacks. Now you can hanlde your uploads with your way. This was a feature that many users asked for as there was not any solution of how to add your custom upload script to grocery CRUD. For more take a look at http://www.grocerycr...ck_after_upload and http://www.grocerycr...k_before_upload .
[*]AT LAST adding a where clause at the 4th argument to the simple set_relation method and an order by to the 5th argument. You can see some examples at: http://www.grocerycr...ns/set_relation
[*]AT LAST grocery CRUD can called "multilingual". Grocery CRUD [b]thanks to the community[/b] it has been translated to 19 languages till now: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, pt-BR.Portuguese, pt-PT.Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Vietnamese and keep going...
Also some other things that the new grocery CRUD has and really matters even though you can't see them at the first sight:[list]
[*][b]Because security matters...[/b] A very improved uploader that validates all the uploaded data. Set your rules and that's it. All the validations are both client side and server side. So don't be afraid of uploading attacks.
[*][b]Because coding matters...[/b] With renaming some methods and Classes makes the code more readable. Also there are more comments at the code so to be more flexible for all the developers to change the code or add some custom code
If you want to see more you can always take a look at the change_logs


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 04:41 AM

At the changelog i see this,

Changing the interface of the form inputs. Now all the text inputs looks like bootstrap&amp;#39;s inputs.</pre>
Could you show the example please?</p>

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 07:06 AM

You don't need an example. The inputs just are likes bootstrap's. Just press "Ctrl+F5" :) and you will see this [attachment=72:1.png] and this [attachment=71:3.png] . This is the "Changing the interface of the form inputs". They are all WEB 2 beautiful inputs, same on every browser.

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 08:24 AM

i see,
don't know about 'bootstraps' words , thank you :)

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 20:15 PM

Yes it is actually wrong the right is [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] bootstrap's . Is the twitter bootstrap. You can see more at: [/font][/color]http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

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Posted 17 March 2012 - 17:41 PM

Johnny thanks for the update of Grocery croud!
It's Fantastic!!!