Grocery crud 1.4's Twitter Boostrap theme proof of concept is really promising!
Looking forward to have it ready for production :)
Just a feedback: in 'list action', images are display full size, even if class="image-thumbnail" and height="50px" ar present in generate HTML code. Not an HTML/CSS expert, so I can't tell why.
Anyway, thanks a lot for this great project: amazing job!
<tr class=""> <td class=""> <div class="text-left">ITEM TITLE</div> </td> <td class=""> <div class="text-left"><a href="http://mysite/images/33edc-NEWS.png" class="image-thumbnail"><img src="http://mysite/images/33edc-NEWS.png" height="50px"></a></div> </td> <td class="">
Datatable theme has comparable generate code, but, in this case, images have correct (small) size (50 px height is working I suppose)