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getState works properly only in datatables theme


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 20:00 PM

I tried overriding the "export" option while in the flexigrid theme and it didn't work. When I looked closely at the given example, I noticed that the theme was set to "datatables". After I added the code to set the theme to "datatables" accordingly, the override worked!


I suggest three things for the getState and getStateInfo functions.


(1) could these be made available in all themes?


(2) could the documentation include "getState works only when using the datatables theme"?


(3) if getState and getStateInfo are to be revised, could these functions be in lowercase? all the grocerycrud functions are in lowercase except for these two.


More power!


Ed Ramirez


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Posted 20 November 2013 - 14:04 PM

Can you post your code ? I use flexigrid and 

if ($crud->getState() == 'success') 	{
   // code

or any other state and it work prefect for me ..



p.s : didn't test all of them