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Upload Imagen en textarea, No URL

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Posted 04 October 2013 - 20:17 PM

Hola como estan, mi duda era si alguno de ustedes sabe como puedo agregar una funcionalidad al textarea donde pueda subir una imagen al servidor y mostrarla en el mismo textarea, algo parecido al Worpress.



Hello how are you, my question was if any of you know how I can add functionality to the textarea where you can upload an image to the server and display it in the same textarea, similar to Worpress.



Ejemplo / Example




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Posted 16 October 2013 - 06:06 AM

Hello and welcome to the forums [member=edwingromero].

Under application/config on grocery_crud.php config file make sure that this line

$config['grocery_crud_text_editor_type'] = 'full';

is set with a value of full. This way on text areas, via the toolbar you can insert pictures via urls.