hello there!
First : thanks for grocerycrud! realy fine.
Second : here is my question :
I want to build excel files with the records i show with grocerycrud. So I decided to use the add_action to do this : here is my code:
public function intervention() { /* $this->grocery_crud->set_table('intervention'); $output = $this->grocery_crud->render(); $this->intervention_output($output); */ $crud = new grocery_CRUD(); $crud->set_theme('datatables'); $crud->set_table('intervention'); $crud->add_action('navette', '', '','ui-icon-image',array($this,'fichenavette')); $output = $crud->render(); $this->intervention_output($output); } function intervention_output($output = null) { $this->load->view('intervention.php',$output); } function fichenavette($primary_key , $row) { return site_url('fichenav.php').'?id='.$row->idintervention; }
fichenav.php is a file that calls the PHPExcel libraries and then build my excel file. It is located in the controllers folders.
And finally the result is a 404 page not found when i click "fichenavette".
I'd also like to know if grocery can send multiselected rows ids to build for each one a excel file.