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clarification on redirect after insert

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 11:20 AM

First, thank you to the creators, this is incredibly useful and awesome!


Hello all, I am a newbie, learning Code Igniter and Grocery Crud, I apologize if this question is too simple, but I cannot get this to work. It seems simple, but I am stumped.


I am following this post:  /topic/324-workaround-redirect-to-the-list-after-insertupdate-without-changing-the-core-functionality-of-gc/


I would like to redirect the user to a different controller when they are in the "add" state and click the "save" button.


My controller is "controller_site", my function is "crud_daily_reports", and this function has a "callback_after_insert" that references a second function "redirect_to_month" that handles the redirect.

Here is my callback_after_insert:

$crud->callback_after_insert(array($this, 'redirect_to_month'));

The function "redirect_to_month" looks like this.

		function redirect_to_month()
			$controller = "controller_site";
			$function = "my_monthly_reports";
		'Your data has been successfully stored into the database.<br/>Please wait while you are redirecting to the list page.
		<script type="text/javascript">
		window.location = "'.site_url($controller.'/'.$function).'";
		<div style="display:none">

The entire function is kind of long so I attached it as a file just in case more information is needed.


I think I am doing something wrong with array data that is passed from callback_after_insert, but am new enough to be unsure. Ok, thanks everyone.



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Posted 26 September 2013 - 19:13 PM


I think that you should put the code in your controller function 'crud_daily_reports'.

And not at a callback function, because,  IMHO $crud object do not exists in callback function.


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:15 AM

Thank you so much... I was making this much more difficult than it needed to be. So, for any other newbies who find this I will post the completed controller. I was going to the wrong direction trying to use a callback_after_insert, there is no need for that. You only need to add:

			'Your data has been successfully stored into the database.<br/>Please wait while you are redirecting to the list page.
			<script type="text/javascript">
			window.location = "'.site_url('controller_site/my_monthly_reports').'";
			<div style="display:none">

just before:

			$output = $crud->render();

Again, thank you.

