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Captcha in the generated form from Grocery CRUD


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Posted 13 September 2013 - 09:31 AM

I use the  Grocery CRUD and want to secure form using captcha.

I want to automatically captcha inserted into a form generate the  Grocery CRUD. How can I do?

How to create a simple form that contains captcha?



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Posted 13 September 2013 - 19:27 PM

Well for such a thing you need to do the following (the most easy way):


1. Look for a library that gives you captcha for CodeIgniter, like the captcha helper straight from CI's manual.


2. Go to your theme's folder, let's say you use flexigrid, go under assets/themes/flexigrid/views and under there 

on both add/edit.php or which ever you need to attach the img src (as echo $captcha_image; for example)  as the manual above says


3. Then you need to adjust your load view to pass this $captcha_image


4. Then you need to adjust your controller for validating for the right captcha code


If you need real life example you could check here.