Hi All,
In my project I had a task to implement a monthpicker to the CRUD.
For this follow these steps, and maybe It could be implement to the next version of the GR.
1; Open the libraries/grocery_crud.php
Find this section:
protected function get_field_input($field_info, $value = null)
And edit the types_array. Add a new element.
$types_array = array( 'integer', 'text', 'true_false', 'string', 'date', 'datetime', 'enum', 'set', 'relation', 'relation_n_n', 'upload_file', 'hidden', 'password', 'readonly', 'dropdown', 'multiselect', 'monthpicker' );
2; Find the get_datetime_input function and after it add this code:
protected function get_monthpicker_input($field_info,$value) { $this->set_css($this->default_css_path.'/ui/simple/'.grocery_CRUD::JQUERY_UI_CSS); $this->set_js($this->default_javascript_path.'/jquery_plugins/ui/'.grocery_CRUD::JQUERY_UI_JS); $this->set_js($this->default_javascript_path.'/jquery_plugins/jquery.ui.monthpicker.js'); $this->set_js($this->default_javascript_path.'/jquery_plugins/config/jquery.monthpicker.config.js'); if(!empty($value) && $value != '0000-00' && $value != '1970-01') { list($year,$month,$day) = explode('-',substr($value,0,7)); $date = date($this->php_date_format, mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)); } else { $datetime = ''; } $input = "<input id='field-{$field_info->name}' name='{$field_info->name}' type='text' value='$datetime' maxlength='19' class='monthpicker-input' /> <a class='monthpicker-input-clear' tabindex='-1'>".$this->l('form_button_clear')."</a>"; return $input; }
3; Then go to your javascript assets :
and add a new file called query.ui.monthpicker.js ( I can't upload a js so I post it at the end of this topic )
4; Then go to your javascript config folder :
and add a new file called jquery.monthpicker.config.js
$(function(){ $('.monthpicker-input').monthpicker({ showOn: "focus", dateFormat: 'yy/mm', buttonImageOnly: true }); $('.monthpicker-input-clear').button(); $('.monthpicker-input-clear').click(function(){ $(this).parent().find('.monthpicker-input').val(""); return false; }); });
5; Edit the theme css you use. I'm using the flexigrid so I added a new line in it at the 345. line
div.form-div input.monthpicker-input { width:150px !important; }
6; The the last step use it in your code:
All of the monthpicker files could be find here: https://github.com/thebrowser/jquery.ui.monthpicker Thx for the developer for that.
I hope you could use this modificaton. Have fun! :)