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Posted 20 August 2013 - 10:43 AM

Hi All,

In my project I had a task to implement a monthpicker to the CRUD.
For this follow these steps, and maybe It could be implement to the next version of the GR.

1; Open the libraries/grocery_crud.php
Find this section:

protected function get_field_input($field_info, $value = null)

And edit the types_array. Add a new element.

$types_array = array(

2; Find the get_datetime_input function and after it add this code:

	protected function get_monthpicker_input($field_info,$value)
		if(!empty($value) && $value != '0000-00' && $value != '1970-01')
			list($year,$month,$day) = explode('-',substr($value,0,7));
			$date = date($this->php_date_format, mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
			$datetime = '';
		$input = "<input id='field-{$field_info->name}' name='{$field_info->name}' type='text' value='$datetime' maxlength='19' class='monthpicker-input' /> 
		<a class='monthpicker-input-clear' tabindex='-1'>".$this->l('form_button_clear')."</a>";
		return $input;

3; Then go to your javascript assets :


and add a new file called  query.ui.monthpicker.js ( I can't upload a js so I post it at the end of this topic )

4; Then go to your javascript config folder :


and add a new file called jquery.monthpicker.config.js

			showOn:     "focus",
			dateFormat: 'yy/mm',
			buttonImageOnly: true
		return false;

5; Edit the theme css you use. I'm using the flexigrid so I added a new line in it at the 345. line

div.form-div input.monthpicker-input
	width:150px !important;	

6; The the last step use it in your code:


All of the monthpicker files could be find here: https://github.com/thebrowser/jquery.ui.monthpicker Thx for the developer for that.

I hope you could use this modificaton. Have fun! :)



Amit Shah
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Posted 20 August 2013 - 14:23 PM

Well usually dont get much requirement as such for month picker but thanks for sharing .. surely some1 will have added advantage with the same.

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Posted 21 August 2013 - 10:34 AM

Hello [member=wathfea].

Thanks for this contribution!

When possible we try to minimize tthe changes to the core of the GC library itself so it's easier for everybody to upgrade and this way everybody can benefit from these advancements like yours.


Usually we try to follow something like this, if possible, when we do an extension to the library.


Thank you again for the contribution!