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display records from a table using a loop

Roberto Fabian Rosero Diaz

Roberto Fabian Rosero Diaz
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Posted 14 August 2013 - 20:33 PM

good afternoon to all of you
please help me with this problem:
in my controller I have the following query:
            $this->db->from('datos_factura df'); 
            $this->db->join('establecimientos es','df.id_estab = es.id'); 
            $this->db->join('ciudades ci','es.id_ciudad = ci.id_ciudad'); 
            $this->db->join('dptos dp','ci.id_dpto = dp.id_dpto'); 


and sent him to the view in this way:

$this->load->view('facturas/FacturaView', $query);  

however, in the view I have a foreach loop, which is where I have to store the records that have the query, which put up, the foreach is this

foreach($sql as $row){ 
precisely within that loop is the one to display the records in a table, that's what I'd like for you to please tell me:
How do I display records from that query in this loop?



sorry for the English, not speak English and use google translator



please help, it's greatly appreciate


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Posted 15 August 2013 - 09:48 AM

Forgive us but this is a CodeIgniter question and not Grocery CRUD.

You need to check with the CodeIgniter community.

Also check the manuals and here.