i dont think its the same,
i think is an incompatibility between
and the new version of grocery crud so maybe
have to be fixed.
I will report it here so maybe someone can help
To use it - drop the subclass into the application/libraries folder
right beside grocery_crud.php
call the new file custom_grocery_crud.php
Edit application/controllers/examples.php
class Examples extends CI_Controller {
function __construct()
function offices_management()
//$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud = new custom_grocery_crud();
//our demo
$crud->field_set_defaults('city' , 'readonly', 'Hobart,Tasmania');
$output = $crud->render();
}catch(Exception $e){
show_error($e->getMessage().' --- '.$e->getTraceAsString());
use field_set_defaults exactly the same way you would use field_type
Here's the subclass custom_grocery_crud.php
and here it is inline for you to peruse:
* PHP grocery CRUD
* A Codeigniter library that creates a CRUD automatically with just few lines of code.
* Copyright © 2010 - 2012 John Skoumbourdis.
* Grocery CRUD is released with dual licensing, using the GPL v3 (license-gpl3.txt) and the MIT license (license-mit.txt).
* You don't have to do anything special to choose one license or the other and you don't have to notify anyone which license you are using.
* Please see the corresponding license file for details of these licenses.
* You are free to use, modify and distribute this software, but all copyright information must remain.
* @package grocery CRUD
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 through 2012, John Skoumbourdis
* @license https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/blob/master/license-grocery-crud.txt
* @version 1.3
* @author John Skoumbourdis <scoumbourdisj@gmail.com>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* PHP grocery CRUD - Customized
* Creates a full functional CRUD with few lines of code.
* @package grocery CRUD
* @author John Skoumbourdis <scoumbourdisj@gmail.com>
* @license https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/blob/master/license-grocery-crud.txt
* @link http://www.grocerycrud.com/documentation
* @hacker Ez (ezgoen@gmail.com) - email me for my real identity
class custom_grocery_crud extends grocery_CRUD{
protected $field_default_values = array();
function __construct()
* Helper Function
* Created by Ez (ezgoen@gmail.com) - email me for my real identity
protected function get_field_default_values($field){
return array_key_exists($field,$this->field_default_values) ? $this->field_default_values[$field] : null;
* Use this function exactly the same way you would use field_type()
* see : http://www.grocerycrud.com/documentation/options_functions/field_type
* Created by Ez (ezgoen@gmail.com) - email me for my real identity
* @explanation:
* in the case of an ADD data form I want to provide default values to the fields.
* I may also want to make the fields with default values readonly or completely hidden
* The parent object does not allow/facilitate addidtion of default values to visible
* fields other than:
* hidden
* invisible
* password
* enum
* set
* dropdown
* multiselect
* I havent fooled around with invisible - so I cant comment on anything to do with that.
* however I want my other fields - most commonly string and integer to have default values
* additionally I may also want thos values to either editable OR readonly and visible at
* the same time AND I want my default values (if they are readonly) to go into the database
public function field_set_defaults($field,$type,$value){
* Work out what to do with input fields for add record
* Modified/Hacked by Ez (ezgoen@gmail.com) - email me for my real identity
* @explanation:
* in the case of an ADD data form I want to provide default values to the fields.
* I may also want to make the fields with default values readonly or completely hidden
protected function get_add_input_fields($field_values = null)
$fields = $this->get_add_fields();
$types = $this->get_field_types();
$input_fields = array();
foreach($fields as $field_num => $field)
$field_info = $types[$field->field_name];
$field_value = !empty($field_values) && isset($field_values->{$field->field_name}) ? $field_values->{$field->field_name} : null;
if (! empty($field_default_values) and empty($field_value) ){
//if $field_info is not set at this point we need to construct one
if (!isset($field_info)){
$field_info = (object)array();
$field_info->custom_default=True; //this is what we look for to ensure we only change the behaviour we want to
//no changes below here
$field_input = $this->get_field_input($field_info, $field_value);
$field_input = $field_info;
$field_input->input = call_user_func($this->callback_add_field[$field->field_name], $field_value, null, $field_info);
switch ($field_info->crud_type) {
case 'invisible':
case 'hidden':
$this->add_hidden_fields[] = $field_input;
$input_fields[$field->field_name] = $field_input;
return $input_fields;
* Get the html input for the specific field with the
* current value
* @param object $field_info
* @param string $value
* @return object
* Modified/Hacked by Ez (ezgoen@gmail.com) - email me for my real identity
* @explanation:
* in the case of an ADD data form I want my readonly default values to go into
* the database.
* The default behaviour of 'readonly' fields is to not actually "be a form field"
* they are instead just text in a div like this :
* <div id="field-YOUR_FIELD" class="readonly_label">Your Default Value</div>
* this modification adds a hidden form field that will put the default values you
* want into the database like this :
* <div id="field-YOUR_FIELD" class="readonly_label">Your Default Value</div>
* <input id='field-YOUR_FIELD' type='hidden' name='YOUR_FIELD' value='Your Default Value' />
protected function get_field_input($field_info, $value = null)
$real_type = $field_info->crud_type;
$types_array = array(
if (in_array($real_type,$types_array)) {
/* A quick way to go to an internal method of type $this->get_{type}_input .
* For example if the real type is integer then we will use the method
* $this->get_integer_input
* */
$field_info->input = $this->{"get_".$real_type."_input"}($field_info,$value);
//my addition here...
if ((property_exists($field_info,'custom_default')) and ( $real_type=="readonly" )) {
$field_info->input .= $this->{"get_hidden_input"}($field_info,$value);
//no changes below here
$field_info->input = $this->get_string_input($field_info,$value);
return $field_info;