Hi everybody,
I am Salvo from Italy, so sorry for my english...
I am new to Crocery Crud, and I'm having problems to create an action button ....
Well, when I use the following code in datatables theme the action button is created (but datatables theme seem does not function properly ok, that is not a problem because I can use flexigrid theme), but this does not create the button action in flexigrid....
....bla bla bla....
$this->_example_output((object)array('output' => '' , 'js_files' => array() , 'css_files' => array()));
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud->where('data_pubblicazione >','2012-12-31');
$crud->add_action('Immagini', '', '','ui-icon-image',array($this,'photos'));
// and here is the callback function......
function photos($primary_key , $row)
Any help..
Thany you