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Change field as "disabled" when editing row..

Charles A.
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Posted 16 July 2013 - 22:37 PM

Hi, is there any way to show the values (but like disabled="disabled")... Only when editing.. ?? For example, i have

  • Car_Model (combobox)
  • Car_Color (combobox)
  • Observations (free text)

Following the given example, when I add, i have to complete all the data, but when I edit, I just want to edit OBSERVATIONS and show the MODEL and the COLOR using the combobox but disabled.. (like disabled='disabled' tag)....


Is that possible?



Amit Shah
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Posted 17 July 2013 - 11:50 AM

There is a trick in this, never tried working on it directly but you surely can

/Here was the trick. Identify if the operation was Unknown / List then redirect it the users 
//profile update page
   $state_code = $crud->getState();
   if($state_code == 'edit') {
        $crud->change_field_type('field1', 'disabled');

Technically this should work.

Charles A.
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Posted 20 July 2013 - 19:44 PM

Hi Amit, thanks for your reply! But it doesnt  work at all... 


The field i'm trying to disable it's a combobox (retrieving the name from other table with a relation_n) 


So, when I apply your code, only shows an input box with the ID (not the name or description) and yes, disabled... 


Is there any way to show the text instead the ID ? Car_color.name (YELLOW) instead of Car_color.id (7) for ex ?



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Posted 20 July 2013 - 22:15 PM

I suggest you use the callback_field and you change from there whatever you need.

Or to be more precise callback_edit_field.

Charles A.
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Posted 22 July 2013 - 03:21 AM

Thanks David! I've used callback_edit_field() as you suggested; and inside the callback function I used function from a model to retrieve the information from the database and replace the combobox with an input text (disabled).



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Posted 26 January 2016 - 18:49 PM

$state_code = $crud->getState();
            if($state_code == 'edit') {
                $crud->field_type('field_x', 'readonly');