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German Language File

Jan from Hamburg
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Posted 04 March 2012 - 11:20 AM

Have not seen a german language file...? So here is what I use and suggest as translation.
Some better Ideas by other german users? Please post here. Thank you!

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Posted 04 March 2012 - 13:18 PM

That's great.

It will be included to version 1.2 ( just added to master https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/commit/f5fc5d5050e43f1d9bbfa6ae6c8105bf20500c97 )


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 13:01 PM

At first: Thanks Jan for the translation! I've downloaded an previous version than 1.2 and before I've seen your translation I've regrettable made my own one.

I've added the var "form_choose" to the language file:

$lang['form_choose'] = '{display_as} wählen';

and changed 2 Lines in grocery_crud.php:

// around line 1590
$input = "<select name='{$field_info_type->name}[]' multiple='multiple' size='8' class='$css_class' data-placeholder=''". str_replace("{display_as}", $field_info->display_as, $this->l('form_choose')) ."'>";
// around line 1550
$input = "<select name='{$field_info->name}' class='chosen-select' data-placeholder='". str_replace("{display_as}", $field_info->display_as, $this->l('form_choose')) ."'>";

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:12 AM

translated the additions to the language file from version 1.2.2.

german.php, starting at line 58:

/* Added in version 1.2.2 */
$lang['form_save_and_go_back'] = 'Speichern und zur Ãœbersicht';
$lang['form_update_and_go_back']= 'Aktualisieren und zur Ãœbersicht';

/* Upload functionality */
$lang['string_delete_file'] = "Datei löschen";
$lang['string_progress'] = "Fortschritt: ";
$lang['error_on_uploading'] = "Beim Hochladen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
$lang['message_promt_delete_file'] = "Bist Du sicher, dass du die Datei löschen willst?";

$lang['error_max_number_of_files'] = "Du kannst nur eine Datei zur Zeit hochladen.";
$lang['error_accept_file_types'] = "Der Dateityp ist unzulässig";
$lang['error_max_file_size'] = "Die hochgeladene Datei Übersteigt die maximale Dateigröße.";
$lang['error_min_file_size'] = "Leere Dateien können nicht hochgeladen werden";

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Posted 16 May 2012 - 20:50 PM

Thanks for that [member='moritz29194']