Hi all,
I've been trying to figure out all morning why my callbacks before inserting and updating don't appear to be doing anything. The fields are visible and editable, but I wouldn't think that would be an issue. Whether they're left blank or something is filled in, nothing is ever set.
I'd be happy if I could figure out how to debug the $post_array but I can't figure out how to do that, because the call is done in Ajax.
FWIW I'm using Ion Auth. Otherwise this is a stock installation of GC and CI.
The controller has:
public function jobpostings($filter = false) { $filtercriteria = ($this->input->get("filter")) ? array("filter" => $this->input->get('filter'), "criteria" => $this->input->get('criteria')) : false; // Set up table $this->grocery_crud->set_table('jobpostings'); $this->grocery_crud->set_subject("Job Posting"); $this->grocery_crud->columns("JobStatus", "Community", "Dept", "JobTitles", "FullPartTime", "Shift", "Comments"); $this->grocery_crud->display_as("JobTitles", "Job Title"); $this->grocery_crud->display_as("FullPartTime", "FT / PT"); $this->grocery_crud->display_as("Dept", "Department"); $this->grocery_crud->display_as("SendResumeTo", "Send Resume To:"); $this->grocery_crud->order_by("Community"); if ($filter == "open") { $this->grocery_crud->where('JobStatus', '1'); } else if ($filtercriteria) { $this->grocery_crud->where($filtercriteria['filter'], $filtercriteria['criteria']); } // Set relations $this->grocery_crud->set_relation('LastModifiedBy', 'hradm_users', 'username', "username != 'administrator'"); $this->grocery_crud->set_relation('AddedBy', 'hradm_users', 'username', "username != 'administrator'"); // Set up fields we actually want to edit $this->grocery_crud->fields("JobStatus", "Community", "Dept", "JobTitles", "FullPartTime", "Shift", "Openings", "SendResumeTo", "Comments", "AddedOn", "AddedBy", "LastModified", "LastModifiedBy"); $communities = $this->_callback_getlist("Community", "jobcommunities"); $depts = $this->_callback_getlist("Dept", "jobdepts"); $jobtitles = $this->_callback_getlist("JobTitles", "jobtitlesdescriptions"); $jobstatus = array("1" => "Open", "0" => "Closed"); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("FullPartTime", "dropdown", array("Full Time" => "Full Time", "Part Time" => "Part Time", "Both" => "Both")); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("Shift", "dropdown", array("N/A" => "N/A", "Day" => "Day", "Afternoon" => "Afternoon", "Night" => "Night", "On-Call" => "On-Call", "Weekend Shifts" => "Weekend Shifts", "All Shifts" => "All Shifts")); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("SendResumeTo", "dropdown", $communities); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("Community", "dropdown", $communities); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("Dept", "dropdown", $depts); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("JobTitles", "dropdown", $jobtitles); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("JobStatus", "dropdown", $jobstatus); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("AddedOn", "datetime"); $this->grocery_crud->field_type("LastModified", "datetime"); // inserts and update callbacks $this->grocery_crud->callback_before_insert(array($this, '_create_callback')); $this->grocery_crud->callback_before_update(array($this, '_modified_callback')); $output = $this->grocery_crud->render(); $this->_output_view($output, "jobpostings", array("filters_communities" => $communities, "filters_depts" => $depts)); }
And then the callbacks (FWIW, I verified that the $user->id is set correctly):
function _created_callback($post_array) { $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); $post_array['AddedBy'] = $user->id; $post_array['AddedOn'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $post_array['LastModified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $post_array; } function _modified_callback($post_array) { $user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row(); $post_array['LastModifiedBy'] = $user->id; $post_array['LastModified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $post_array; }
None of these fields are set when I look in the database-- they're all NULL. The purpose is to auto-log creation and modification times, while (at the same time) keeping users from having to remember to enter it.
Eventually they'll be set to read-only for edits, and will only be manually settable on insertsw, but first I'd have to feel confident this was working.
Does anyone have any suggestions?