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Grocery CRUD with Pyrocms Add-Ons

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 17:06 PM

I am using pyrocms. I am developing module for pyrocms. grocery crud is a very populer and effecteve codeigniter library. so I want to integrate grocery crud into pyrocms modules. So please Help me.

Thanks for the time.

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 21:41 PM

I believe you need to post this question to the PyroCMS guys.


UPDATE: Which you have already as I can see!

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 10:39 AM

PyroCMS is not using stable CodeIgniter. They use CodeIgniter 3.0 dev.
Therefore, the standard groceryCRUD won't work. There is a bit incompatibility between CI 3.0 and groceryCRUD 1.3.3.

It has been a long time since I don't play around with pyrocms.

A bit hint: PyroCMS has different directory structure. If you want to put grocery CRUD on it, put it on /system/cms



Look at this: https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/pull/194 . Personally I also need sometime to convert my project into CI 3.0 dev :rolleyes: .



If you want to build project from scratch, maybe you can take a look on http://www.getnocms.com (disclaimer: I'm the creator).

Michael Allen Hess
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Posted 24 June 2013 - 14:39 PM

Just FYI I successfully incorporated GC in the latest release of PyroCMS. It took a little bit of hacking on GC and PyroCMS. I created a custom module that contains all of the GC stuff. I created my own class based on GC that contains all of my customizations to GC.


I am still in development with the project using it and it hasn't gone into full blown testing or production but so far it appears to be working fine.


Just so you know it is possible.