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The template does not exist. Please check your files and try again.

Ahmed Fathi

Ahmed Fathi
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Posted 06 June 2013 - 16:43 PM

 help me in that error, please.

The template does not exist. Please check your files and try again.


the web site working good with no error on linux server.

but this error happen on windows server.


is that need any permissions to load some files or what??


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Posted 06 June 2013 - 22:07 PM

Hello [member='Ahmed Fathi'] and welcome to the forums


Can you please check your folders structure? Did you moved the folder assets as well? The most common solution for this kind of problem is that people forgot to add the assets folders in their project.





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Posted 13 June 2013 - 09:24 AM

the web site working good with no error on linux server.

but this error happen on windows server.


This is an anomaly, usually the website works good on windows server and doesn't work on linux server  :huh:


It could also be related to difference between path separator in windows and linux (in case you use other language than PHP too).
In windows, you'll write a path like this : C:\Documents And Settings\My Document\My file.txt
While in linux, you'll write a path like this: /home/me/my document/my file.txt


However PHP by default already handle directory separator.


And one more possibility: Can you make sure that php already installed properly in your windows server. My friend has a similar problem. And after struggling for hours he found that his apache and PHP is not configured correctly  :D