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Forms in two columns


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Posted 02 June 2013 - 23:00 PM

First off, I am a total newbee with a little coding experience.  This is an awesome tool, it took next to no time to put the basics of my planned project together.


Now for the question.  I have a few fields where you would put an ingredient and then an amount.  Right now the form is just line after line, I'd like to put the two into two different columns so they line up and create less confusion when entering data.  I've searched an searched this forum for an answer, and some were close but it didn't seem to answer my issue.  Let me try to illustrate[attachment=564:form.jpg]


Any way to do this with just style sheets?


Basically, I want to make a nicer looking form


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Posted 03 June 2013 - 08:11 AM

Hello [member=bayinghound] and welcome to the forums.

Depending on the theme you use you need to go to assets/grocery_crud/themes/your_theme/css and modify the css to you liking.

Inspect the outputed code of a standard form. You will find that each field has a unique id that you can use in order to style even further.


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Posted 03 June 2013 - 16:22 PM

Thanks.  Playing with it now.  Thanks for the quick response!