Hello there and welcome to the forum.
You are lucky as I finished this feature yesterday. Actually in your case you just need the callback_after_upload . So when the upload is done then you need to crop and resize the image. You can do this with a simple callback and the given parameters are:
function test_callback_after_upload($uploader_response , $state_info , $_FILES)
// return 'Your image cannot cropped are you sure that you gicve the right format? '; //return a string for a custom error or false for the default error.
return true;// if everything goes fine
The callback work exactly the same way as all the callbacks in grocery CRUD so to call it you will just have this simple line of code:
For more documentation please wait for the new version. Also I will add the croping resizing functionality at version 1.2 , so if it's not something urgent you can wait till the 23th of March that I have the deadline for my self for the new release.