Hi again. I've done a very simple test to rule out any problems in my code. This method is very simple and doesn't even have any css added. but I still get the weird code in my output whenever I try to align any images using the TinyMCE editor. It would be really great if the inventor of GC could look at this as I'm almost certain that this is a bug.
Here is my method code (there is a simple db table with three fields, two varchar(100) and one text field):
function test()
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();
$crud->set_table( 'test' )
->set_subject( 'test' )
$crud->fields('name','uri_name','description'); //Fields to display for add / edit.
$output = $crud->render();//Set output variable for view.
Here is my output code:
<p><img left;" title="" src="../../assets/files/7d5b0-Untitled.png" alt="" width="229" height="100" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In quis eros quis tellus gravida varius et eu odio. Suspendisse quis eros viverra nulla bibendum malesuada. Fusce pulvinar molestie volutpat. Pellentesque blandit tellus at faucibus pellentesque. Nunc aliquam mattis augue, in faucibus sem fermentum sed. Nam nec lorem eu nulla tincidunt dictum in vel tellus. Sed ullamcorper viverra est a hendrerit. Donec arcu elit, condimentum condimentum sagittis sed, pretium in eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam massa ipsum, cursus sed egestas quis, tempor rhoncus orci. Proin facilisis urna lorem, et aliquet velit venenatis semper. Fusce non pretium purus. Maecenas bibendum metus sodales, auctor ligula viverra, euismod sem. Sed et magna a ipsum dignissim hendrerit id sit amet odio. Suspendisse tincidunt mattis ligula, eget ultrices turpis tempor sed.</p>
As you can see <img left;" should not be happening.
Also: After adding the first row the grocery crud page for test will not show. Just a blank page is shown.
At the moment I'm planning to move away from GC as it just isn't working for me. It reminds me of Joomla because: A problem comes up, can't fix as I didn't write the code, ask in forums, no staff respond.