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Showing all the fields of a linked table

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 09:23 AM



Ok, I have solved it. I have found you can do that by using {} . Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a nice day




This should be a very easy one. I have read all the api functions but I can't find the solution.


I have 2 tables in this example:  one that describes the features of a car, price, model etc and another table for the sellers that includes their first name, last name, telephone etc.


Question: how can I get select lists that show me the name of the seller, another select list that shows the telephone, another select list that shows me the email etc, that is, all the fields of the Sellers table. So that every time a seller wants to add items, he fills in the price of the car, the model and then starts selecting from select lists what his name, what his phone, email etc. That would come from the Sellers table.


I have had no problem with linked tables that have only 2 fields, like city_id and city_name because I have a FK in the main table car linked to the PK of city table. The problem is when that linked table has several fields, (like I said, telephone, email etc).


thank you very much


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 10:41 AM

show the tables structure