Hello everyone, I'm a complete newbie on grocery-crud and thus I came across a couple of questions. I searched the forum first, but I wasn't able to find an appropriate thread on the matter.
So, on with the questions:
1-I think the list (table) control is great and provides alot of possibilities, however I would like to customize it to fit on my website's style. How do I do that? I've found a "flexigrid.css" on the themes folder and a "datagrid.css", so would it be enough to change that huge css file? How do you pros on Grocery-crud do it?
2-I would also like to know how I can change the style for the detail views (add item, edit item, etc.)?
You see, I would be happy with changing colors and font styles (not planning on changing cell sizes or div dimensions) on the list. On the views I would like to do a couple more changes.
Anyway after looking at over 1000 lines worth of css file, I figured that there must a be a more efficient way of solving this and decided to ask you guys.
So, any ideas?
I thank you advance for the feedback provided and for the time spent with this!