By making a callback to a dropdown loses the style (if the first dropdown the form, if not so it's okay)
I put the code here:
$crud->callback_field ( 'id_provincia', array ( $this, '_callback_field_provincia' ) );
// Ayudante de funciones de Filtrar DropDowns según el usuario logeado function filter_dropdown($table, $id_table, $desc_table, $id_field) { $this->db->select ( '*' ); $this->db->from ( $table ); $this->db->where ( $id_table, $id_field ); $result = $this->db->get (); $data = $result->row (); $html = '<div><select name="'.$id_table.'" class="chosen-select" data-placeholder="Selecciona '.ucwords($table).'" style="width: 200px;">'; $html.= '<option value=""></option>'; $html.= '<option value="'.$data->$id_table.'" >'.$data->$desc_table.'</option>'; $html.= '</select></div>'; return $html; // retorna el selectbox filtrado } // Filtrar DropDowns según el usuario logeado function _callback_field_provincia($value = '', $primary_key = null) { return $this->filter_dropdown('provincia','id_provincia','desc_provincia',$this->session->userdata('provincia')); }
before callback:
after callback:
Note: I'm using this library gc_dependent_select