Hello! 1st of all, i have the worst english ever, so i hope you can understand my doubts...
Well, i have the next problem:
I have 3 tables (students, teachers and schedule)
And i want to make an intermediate table between those 3, lets say STC (for StudensTeachersSchedule).
So i have all those tables, then, first, i make a CRUD for shedules..
Next, i make a CRUD for Teachers, and in that crud i set a relation_n_n to assign hours to a teacher.
At last, i make the crud for students, and in that crud, i choose 1 or more teachers, and depending on those teachers schedules, i select hours for that student...
So... in STC (the relational table), i have 4 fields... the table id, the scheduleid (an id for each interval of time), the teacherid, and the student id.
In a first stance, i assign hours of the shedule to the teacher, so in STC i have the teacher and the shedule id, so the studentsid is null...
Then i want to fill that studentsid slot, when i asign a teacher and a shedule (depending on the teacher i selected) when i add an student...
I know its a mess, i hope you can help me with that...
THX for all, its a great tool :)