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Newbie question about installing Grocery CRUD for CodeIgniter 4

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Posted 28 November 2021 - 02:29 AM

I'm new to Grocery CRUD Enterprise, CodeIgniter 4 and Composer, so please be gentle with me...
I want to install Grocery CRUD Enterprise on a new server. I've already installed CodeIgniter 4 via Composer.
In these instructions for CodeIgniter 4 (https://www.grocerycrud.com/docs/grocery-crud-enterprise-codeigniter-4), it descibes a non-composer installation.
And in these instructons for using Composer (https://www.grocerycrud.com/docs/grocery-crud-enterprise-installation), the steps are for Zend not for CodeIgniter.
Are there any instructions for installing Grocery CRUD for CodeIgniter v4 with Composer?