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Callbacks getting ignored

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Posted 26 April 2021 - 08:40 AM

Hi, I'm new and I've recently started using Grocery CRUD and it's been amazing so far. It has made my life a lot easier, but I am experiencing some issues recently. I've been experiencing some issues with the callback functions where they get completely ignored. I believe I have found the issue, where the functions are not called and the $post_arrays are NULL and not returning any values. Although I have discovered the issues, I do not know how to fix these issues.

Here is my code:

//Creates the Grocery CRUD
$crud = new grocery_CRUD();


$crud->field_type('Status', 'invisible');
$crud->field_type('Due_Date', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Received', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Checked', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Endorsed', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Approved', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Payment_Prep', 'datetime');
$crud->field_type('Date_Paid', 'datetime');

//Configures the Add & Edit Table

//Runs a function before the update function is runned
$crud->callback_before_update(function ($post_array,$primary_key){


return $post_array;


function _check_status($post_array){
	if (!empty($post_array['Date_Paid'] and $post_array['Paid_By'] and $post_array['Date_Payment_Prep'] and $post_array['Payment_Prep_By'] and $post_array['Date_Approved'] and $post_array['Approved_By'] and $post_array['Date_Endorsed'] and $post_array['Endorsed_By'] and $post_array['Date_Checked'] and $post_array['Checked_By']))
		$post_array['Status'] = 'Paid';

        else if (!empty($post_array['Date_Payment_Prep'] and $post_array['Payment_Prep_By'] and $post_array['Date_Approved'] and $post_array['Approved_By'] and $post_array['Date_Endorsed'] and $post_array['Endorsed_By'] and $post_array['Date_Checked'] and $post_array['Checked_By']))
            $post_array['Status']= 'Preparing Payment';

        else if (!empty($post_array['Date_Approved'] and $post_array['Approved_By'] and $post_array['Date_Endorsed'] and $post_array['Endorsed_By'] and $post_array['Date_Checked'] and $post_array['Checked_By']))
            $post_array['Status'] = 'Approved';
        else if (!empty($post_array['Date_Endorsed'] and $post_array['Endorsed_By'] and $post_array['Date_Checked'] and $post_array['Checked_By']))
               $post_array['Status'] = 'Endorsed';
        else if (!empty($post_array['Date_Checked'] and $post_array['Checked_By']))
           $post_array['Status'] = 'Checked';

               $post_array['Status'] = 'Received';

        return $post_array;

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you.