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jquery.mask in edit modal form

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Posted 20 January 2021 - 17:13 PM

Hello, i have a cuestion. Im working on it about 3 hours and cant doit work.

                var tlf = $(":input[name='telefono']").mask("(9999)999999999", {clearIfNotMatch: true});

I try this. Console log say undefined. I think is ok because the modal it is open after and allways, for all the lines of the table, the name of the input (nothing more like id) is telefono. I think is imposible doit width jquery. 


Can you say me other way?

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Posted 21 January 2021 - 10:40 AM

I see this in the forum /topic/136809-tutorial-how-to-add-javascript-control-in-the-modal-form/

but i cant do it works. I only put a simple console.log(5); and dont works.


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Posted 22 January 2021 - 06:30 AM

Ok, now working. Some problem With fields NULL. But working on it.