With bootstrap theme when i print the table the atual column ordering is ignored.
Is this the default behaviour?
I edited gcrud.datagrid.js and added this in Datagrid.prototype.listenerPrintButton function
Datagrid.prototype.listenerPrintButton = function () { ... var order_by = $('.column-with-ordering.active:first').data('order-by'),order_direction = ''; if ($('.column-with-ordering.active:first').hasClass('ordering-desc')) { order_direction = 'desc'; } else if ($('.column-with-ordering.active:first').hasClass('ordering-asc')) { order_direction = 'asc'; } form_input_html += '<input type="hidden" name = "order_by[]" value="' + order_by + '"/>'; form_input_html += '<input type="hidden" name = "order_by[]" value="' + order_direction + '"/>'; form_on_demand = $("<form/>").attr("method", "post").attr("action", print_url).html(form_input_html); ...
and now it's working.
Grocery_CRUD.php doesn't need to be changed, because function getStateInfo already has
case 17: //print $state_info = (object)array(); $data = !empty($_POST) ? $_POST : $_GET; ... if(!empty($data['order_by'][0])) { $state_info->order_by = $data['order_by']; } ...