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Naming conventions and references...

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Posted 10 July 2020 - 22:15 PM

I'm new to GC (Ent) but what I find when looking for answers to the many issues I deal with in GCEnt, I get many "variations" for the app structure and module names, e.g. grud-enterprise.php, grud_enterprise.php, grocery_crud.php.... etc.  is there a guideline document that clearly (clearly, not the original developers view) that describes the true name conventions of the dir structure, file names, etc. for each "version"?  


I'm trying to fix a simple date display problem in GCEnt but so many version of different files I need to "check" and "fix"... a basic reference/naming authority for GCEnt is sorely needed.  I've enjoyed learning GCEnt but would never use it in client production simpy because the docs are so weak.


Hopefully someone can help restore my faith in this product.

