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How to set a field as a file upload for code Igniter 4

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 09:51 AM

How to set a field as a file upload for code Igniter 4

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Posted 02 July 2020 - 17:16 PM

read it here




works like a charm

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Posted 03 July 2020 - 06:44 AM


Hi, I am using Codeigniter 4 and grocery crud 2 beta. This function has been removed there. is there any other alternative?

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Posted 03 July 2020 - 13:04 PM

sorry, I have not switched to 4 yet.

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Posted 21 July 2020 - 05:01 AM

Is there any other way to upload images using CI4 and GC2.0?

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Posted 17 December 2020 - 21:41 PM

Is there any other way to upload images using CI4 and GC2.0?

Hi, i have started using enterprise edition, I will recommend you to use that, it's so cool.