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I am having a problem with image crud (not grocery!)

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Posted 19 June 2020 - 01:02 AM

When I use Example3 from the package, it fails. The reason is that set_relation_field causes it to fail. I traced through the logic with the debugger and it seems that the problem is in getState() where there is some crazy ifelse ladder. If set_relation_field is set, then the code calls right through to the bottom of getState() and then we die. Has anyone tried Examples3 with the Community version of GC and image_crud? Here is the logic ladder from getState(). Does anyone know why if the first "if" fails, none of the other elseif's are tested?


if(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[3]))


$upload_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/upload_file');
$ajax_list_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ajax_list');
$ordering_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/ordering');
$insert_title_url = site_url($rsegments_array[1].'/'.$rsegments_array[2].'/insert_title');

$state = array( 'name' => 'list', 'upload_url' => $upload_url);
$state['ajax'] = isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'ajax_list' ? true : false;
$state['ajax_list_url'] = $ajax_list_url;
$state['ordering_url'] = $ordering_url;
$state['insert_title_url'] = $insert_title_url;

return (object)$state;
elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'upload_file')
#region Just rename my file
$new_file_name = '';
//$old_file_name = $this->_to_greeklish($_GET['qqfile']);
$old_file_name = $this->_convert_foreign_characters($_GET['qqfile']);
$max = strlen($old_file_name);
for($i=0; $i< $max;$i++)
$numMatches = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9.-_]+$/', $old_file_name[$i], $matches);
if($numMatches >0)
$new_file_name .= strtolower($old_file_name[$i]);
$new_file_name .= '-';
$file_name = substr( substr( uniqid(), 9,13).'-'.$new_file_name , 0, 100) ;

$results = array( 'name' => 'upload_file', 'file_name' => $file_name);
if(isset($rsegments_array[4]) && is_numeric($rsegments_array[4]))
$results['relation_value'] = $rsegments_array[4];
return (object)$results;
elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && isset($rsegments_array[4]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'delete_file' && is_numeric($rsegments_array[4]))
$state = array( 'name' => 'delete_file', 'id' => $rsegments_array[4]);
return (object)$state;
elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'ordering')
$state = array( 'name' => 'ordering');
return (object)$state;
elseif(isset($rsegments_array[3]) && $rsegments_array[3] == 'insert_title')
$state = array( 'name' => 'insert_title');
return (object)$state;


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Posted 22 June 2020 - 23:06 PM

Well, now I am thinking that image crud just was meant to work with Grocery Crud Enterprise, and that might be the issue. Any comments?