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Clear - Reset Sort by Column

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Posted 10 February 2020 - 16:22 PM

Wondering if there is a way to reset grid after selecting one of the columns (sorting) to original state.

[attachment=1399:Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 11.22.03 AM.png]



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Posted 20 February 2020 - 13:17 PM

Wondering if there is a way to reset grid after selecting one of the columns (sorting) to original state.

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2020-02-10 at 11.22.03 AM.png

What I mean with reset is  like the result when you clear your browsing history,data etc sort by will not be present. It seems to be something that's handle by React maybe?

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Posted 15 May 2020 - 14:48 PM

Thanks Johnny  Reset Ordering was added on ver. 2.8.1 


- GC-433: Create a button "Reset Ordering" to reset the ordering to the "no ordering" state