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Adding a function to the GC Ent Add form

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Posted 28 January 2020 - 19:07 PM

I'm trying to include a value on a GCEnt "Add" page to show how many "records" exist in a table based on the information the user types.  E.g. on the "Add" form and user enters "Smith" in the "last name" field, I'd like to show how many "Smith"'s there are in a specific table... of course there are additional criteria such as "date", "address", "city", etc. that should be included in the count filter.  I know SQL syntax inside-and-out but not clear on how to add this display fields to the GCEnt "Add" form.  Any help would be great.  Thank you.

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Posted 20 February 2020 - 16:12 PM



You can add a Javascript ajax query in your add form to do that.


To add a javascript in the add form you can follow this post :

