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Problem in searches by date and integer version 2.7.13

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Posted 28 January 2020 - 16:18 PM

Hello everyone,
First thanks Johnny for creating and sharing this wonderful tool, I have been using it for 5 years. I never had to ask questions because I always found the solutions on the forum, now I have a problem that I couldn't find a solution.

I performed the update to version 2.7.13 to solve the problem of Multiselect, however this is generating another problem, I am not able to perform filters in columns of type date and integer, it is
 returning an empty search for whole dates or parts of it.

Is there a solution to this problem so I can update the version?


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Posted 12 February 2020 - 13:10 PM

hello, forcing my request, even in this version 2.8.0 I didn't have a solution to my problem completely. Searching for whole numbers returned to work as well as searching for complete dates, but the search for part of the Dates does not work yet and the filters are not working either.

In my system, they perform many searches of the year and month type only, to list only records for the month of that year.

I await a light, thank you!