I have created a table that have that field :
apport_compost ENUM("Aucun", "Modéré (- de 3kg/m²)", "Important (3kg/m²)", "Très important (+ de 3kg/m²)")
But when the creation form is generated, in front of "Apport Compost", I have a combobox that only have the following options : "Aucun", "Modér"
I don't think the problem comes from the sql creation script (has If I try to insert a row with phpmyadmin, I do have the right values in the Apport Compost combobox).
My script to create the form is really simple :
$crud = new grocery_CRUD(); $crud->set_theme('flexigrid'); $crud->set_table('semis'); $crud->set_subject('Semis'); $crud->required_fields('nom_usuel', 'description'); $crud->set_relation('type', 'type', 'nom'); $crud->columns('nom_usuel','type'); $crud->fields('nom_usuel','nom_latin', 'type', 'description', 'commentaire_culture', 'debut_semis_abris', 'fin_semis_abris', 'debut_semis_terre', 'fin_semis_terre', 'debut_recolte', 'fin_recolte', 'apport_compost', 'exposition', 'qualite_sol', 'taille_plants', 'culture', 'date_recolte_graines', 'duree_germinative', 'code_sachet'); // $output = $this->grocery_crud->render(); $output = $crud->render(); $this->_example_output($output);
Can anyone help me with this pb ?
Thanks a lot !