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Time and date picker on mobile devices

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Posted 18 January 2020 - 18:13 PM

We use grocery crud with bootstrap3 theme in an application to take up project working times. On desktop pc’s everything works fine. On mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, it’s not possible to use the sliders of the time picker extension. Is there any special option to set for, or should we use another library for time picking? If another library is needed or the best way, how is it to integrate?

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Posted 15 June 2020 - 05:45 AM

What company's mobile are you using for this purpose?
My father using iphone10, and this application is working well on it, I bought it last week for him from Father's day coupons
and this application is working well without any error, maybe there is any issue with mobile software. try it on iphone hope it will work well.



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Posted 15 June 2020 - 10:46 AM

With datatables theme the same happens to me also but on ALL paltfroms not only mobile .  The sliders work OK but the change is never reflected back to the record.

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Posted 12 October 2020 - 03:18 AM

With datatables theme the same happens to me also but on ALL paltfroms not only mobile .  The sliders work OK but the change is never reflected back to the record. You can try to use aonther company's mobile. As I see, some company's mobile can support your work like gta 5 cheats support you to win gta 5 game.