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Change output on add/edit

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Posted 07 January 2020 - 19:36 PM

What is the best approach to change the format of the input fields when add/edit is selected?


I'd like to place "First Name", "Last Name" etc on the same line, and change styles etc.


thanks in advance




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Posted 08 January 2020 - 00:49 AM

What is the best approach to change the format of the input fields when add/edit is selected?


I'd like to place "First Name", "Last Name" etc on the same line, and change styles etc.


thanks in advance




Hello Drinkingwine,


Maybe this could help: https://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise/api-and-function-list/callbackAddForm/





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Posted 08 January 2020 - 21:50 PM

I saw that, but unfortunately, it is not very helpful to my coding ability. An example would be a good addition to the documentation.

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Posted 09 January 2020 - 15:01 PM

What is the best way to change the Add/Edit panel from:








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