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unsetBootstrap() causes more function to no longer work

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Posted 16 December 2019 - 18:47 PM

Using the unsetBootstrap() causes the more function to no longer work.

If I add to the crud output php file, the style cdn, https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css, the styles are there but again, more function no longer works.

When I uncomment the unsetBootstrap the more function works.



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Posted 20 December 2019 - 16:36 PM

Hi, drinkingwine.
When you use unsetBootstrap() you need to add into the crud output php file both .css and .js files.

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Posted 06 January 2020 - 19:03 PM

Thanks Soreno. I had commented out the routine to load the .css and .js files.