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How can I tell if javascript is being called?

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Posted 15 December 2019 - 20:13 PM

I have an app which uses CI and Grocery Crud. I have a php file called javascript_funcs_extension_loaded.php. In it I have:


<script language="javascript">

<script src="<?= base_url();?>js/javascript_funcs_extensionloaded.js" /></script>

I had hope that this would load the js file. I am using Chrome Devtools and have put a breakpoint in javascript_funcs_extentionionloaded.js. But it never gets fired. What am I doing wrong? I am using Grocery Crud extensvely. Is theere an esier way to call the js file using some GC function?

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Posted 01 April 2020 - 02:53 AM

Add the script into the Grocery Crud theme that you are using. 




If you are using bootstrap theme. 

Copy the file to assets/grocery_crud/bootstrap-V4/js

Then go into asset/grocery_crud/bootstrap-v4/js and select the view that you want to use the javascript on eg. Add, Edit, List, or Read. 

At the top where it shows the following 


Add your javascript and it will load on that view.