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[BUG] Columns alias in print function

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Posted 18 September 2019 - 15:32 PM

Hi developers,
in document printed by Print button, column names are raw database table column names. Is possible to print same columns alias setted for list view instead?

@web-johnny can you solve this bug in next GC version, please?


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Posted 18 September 2019 - 16:23 PM

Bug happen setting other language instead of english (default), in fact I've setted italian. Maybe also using setRelationNtoN accordig with @mumtazhaqiqy: /topic/4023-print-button-not-working-when-setrelationnton-in-use/

Also accordig with @mumtazhaqiqy, it works like a charm by editing file grocery-crud-v2.7.10.a94d67e.js (for GC Enterprise ver. 2.7.10) in assets\grocery-crud\js\build folder (CodeIgniter).
In line 11739 from:

DatagridHeaderActions.ACTION_PRINT = 'print';


DatagridHeaderActions.ACTION_PRINT = 'datagrid';


@web-johnny I hope to find this change in next GC Enterprise version, thanks.