In small grids sometimes it makes sense to disable the Information and the Search-option in the bottom of the ListView.
I manipulate the File assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/views/list_template.php an add in the div the style-option "display".
<div class="sDiv quickSearchBox" id='quickSearchBox' style="display: <?php echo $_SESSION['gcm_searchbox']?>;">
<div class="pDiv" style="display: <?php echo $_SESSION['gcm_footerpage']?>;">
Now you have to initialize the Variable in the _construct() function in your Main-Controller.
$this->session->gcm_searchbox = 'flexible';
If you want to disable the Searchbox or the Footerpage Section you only have to set the Session-Variable to disable before you render().
$this->session->gcm_searchbox = 'none';
$this->session->gcm_footerpage = 'none';
I hope this ist helpful :).