Hi, when adding custom fields to the Add Form page (and submitting the form), I'm getting this error:
this.cachedInitialData.fieldTypes[field.name] is undefined
->displayAs('entered_at','Name 1')
->displayAs('initial_payment','Name 2')
->displayAs('daily_cost','Name 3')
Javascript function with error:
getPostDataFromForm: function getPostDataFromForm($jqueryForm) {
var postData = {};
_.each($jqueryForm.serializeArray(), function eachFormFields(field) {
var dataType = this.cachedInitialData.fieldTypes[field.name].dataType;
if (dataType === 'relational_n_n' || dataType === 'native_relational_n_n') {
if (postData[field.name] === undefined) {
postData[field.name] = [field.value];
} else {
} else {
postData[field.name] = field.value;
return postData;
I have cleared the GroceryCRUD cache and the error persists.
Thank you